Category Archives: News

News from around the lake.

Banner Highlights

Usually the header image/banner on the website rotates randomly. I’ve decided to highlight specific banner images for a while. I’ll pick one and leave it up for a few days. Today’s banner is from a photograph Steve Giampetruzzi sent me, it was one of those late afternoon storm fronts moving in from the southwest. Ominous. This banner has been on the site for a while but I’d like to give it a little more attention. Here it is again:

If you’d like to see your photograph turned into a banner on the website, send it to me! It needs to be a picture of or taken on or near Clary Lake. Sunrises and sunsets are obvious subjects but I’ll consider anything. Use your imagination!

UPDATED: 19 July 2022: Loose Canoe

UPDATE: This canoe has returned home. It belongs to Gareth & Bevery Bowen.

David Marsh sent me this picture of a green Old Town canoe that drifted in under his dock overnight. I asked him to tie it up and I’d see if I could locate the owner. David and Fran Marsh own the former Art Enos property on Sennett Road. I thought it might be the same green canoe that got loose last week and ended up down by the boat launch, but no. This is a different green canoe. What is it about green canoes and do they want to float free?

If this is your canoe, come get it or you know who it belongs to, let the rightful owner know! Contact me for directions or if you have questions.

Banner Highlights

Usually the header image/banner on the website rotates randomly. I’ve decided to highlight specific banner images for a while. I’ll pick one and leave it up for a few days. Today’s banner is from a panorama photograph Dan Burns made while doing CBI duty at the State boat launch last weekend. He sent it to me and I quickly saw it’s potential as a site banner. Here it is again:

If you’d like to see your photograph turned into a banner on the website, send it to me! It needs to be a picture of or taken on or near Clary Lake. Sunrises and sunsets are obvious subjects but I’ll consider anything. Use your imagination!

8 July 2022: Moderate Drought

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to any of you that Central and Southern Maine are experiencing drought conditions. According to data released a few days ago, we’re now in Moderate Drought. Rainfall in May and June was substantially below normal, and so far July is following suit. These dry conditions make it hard to maintain the lake level. Minor leaking results in some water loss of course, but by far evaporation is taking the biggest bite out of Clary Lake’s water level. There’s not much we can do about it except hope for rain. On a bright note, Clary Lake water quality tends to benefit from dry conditions due to the lack of runoff. Runoff from rainfall is the primary cause of soil erosion and sedimentation in the Clary Lake watershed and is the primary source of unwanted Phosphorus.

Upcoming Ice Cream Social and Meet & Greet Event!


2019 Ice Cream Social

Mark Your Calendars! The Clary Lake Association is hosting an Ice Cream Social and “Meet & Greet” event on Saturday, July 16th from 1:00 PM to whenever, at the Clary Lake dam on the Mills Road (Route 218) in Whitefield. In the unlikely event that this event has to be called on account of inclement weather, the rain date is the next day, Sunday July 17th, same time, same ice cream. The last time we had an ice cream social was in 2019. This will be a great opportunity to meet some of the many new CLA members and people on and around Clary Lake, hence the “Meet & Greet” part.  This event is open to all, Clary Lake Association members as well as our Community friends and neighbors. If you’re not currently a Member, consider becoming one! The ice cream is free but donations will be gratefully accepted. Continue reading

3rd Annual Clary Lake Boat Parade

Shanna Pease is organizing the 2nd Annual 4th of July Boat Parade on Clary Lake. This is not a Clary Lake Association sponsored event but it is nonetheless a Clary Lake event and we are happy to help promote it and participate in it! Hope to see you out there!

Clary Lake
4th of July Boat Parade!!

When: Monday, the 4th of July 2022
Where: Clary Lake
Time: 2 PM

Details: Decorate your boat and meet down by the public landing for a cruise of the lake!

Don’t Forget to Decorate Your Dock!

For more information or if you have questions please feel free to text or call Shanna Pease at 485-4171.

Clary Cams 1 & 3 Are Temporarily Off Line

Clary Cams 1 & 3 Are Temporarily Off Line 🙁 My router is old and a bit flakey so earlier this week I bought and installed a new Asus WiFi6 router. What should have been a drop-in replacement turned out to take the better part of an afternoon to install and reconfigure the two Clary Cams 1 & 3 that live on my network (Clary Cam 2 lives on Dave Hodsdon’s network). They require static IP addresses and it turns out the new router just wasn’t happy with that arrangement, it kept giving the cameras new addresses, preventing remote access. It also wasn’t happy doing some of the other things I require of it so I returned the piece of junk to BestBuy today and picked up another Linksys (my preferred brand). Now I have to re-install and re-reconfigure Clary Cams 1 & 3 again. It shouldn’t take too long, it always goes faster the second time you have to do something 🙂

June 2022 Water Level Chart Archived

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June 2022

I have archived the June 2022 Water Level Chart (at left). The lake level in June looks a lot like the lake level in May only about 3″ lower than in the previous month. We did receive a more rain in June than we did in May, but most of it fell in the first half of the month which was enough to largely offset the water loss leading to more or less stable water level, up until the 17th of June. Rainfall for the rest of the month was almost nonexistent and by month’s end the lake had fallen a quarter of a foot, ending the month about 3 inches lower than it started. The 3.11 inches or rain we did receive fell about 0.6 inches short of the June monthly average of 3.71 inches. Because we received so much “extra” rain in the first 4 months of 2022, we’re still 0.8 inches above normal for this date. However, as I’ve explained before, simply looking at total precipitation gives you an unrealistic picture of actual ground water conditions and like last month, almost the entire coast of Maine (including Clary Lake) is considered to be “Abnormally Dry” by the USDA Drought Monitor program. Continue reading

CLA Summer 2022 Raffle Ahead!

Mark & Tara Doe are CLA members and own a house and property on Hornpout Lane. They’re also owners of Louis Doe Home Center in Newcastle. I was talking with them a few weeks ago about how we’re going to have to start raising money for dam repairs before long, and out of the blue they graciously offered to donate a Weber Spirit E-310 gas grill (pictured at left) to us to raffle off this summer to start raising some money. We’ve been scrambling to get all our ducks in a row and get everything ready, and we’re about to launch the first ever Clary Lake Association Summer Raffle! We’re still in the process of lining up some runner up prizes and hope to be able to start selling tickets as early as next week. We expect this will become an annual event. Continue reading

The Loons Are Nesting!

The loons are finally nesting again on Clary Lake for the first time since June 2019. They didn’t use the floating nest we launched this spring, but they are nesting nearby in the same cove where the floating nest is located, over on the north shore of the lake. Mary Gingrow-Shaw has been monitoring the floating loon nest and late last week noticed nest building behavior. She finally spotted a loon sitting on the nest yesterday and today she kayaked over snapped the photograph at left. She didn’t want to get too close and all she had was a cell phone. I’ll head over later with my camera and telephoto lens and try to get some better pictures.

There are very likely already eggs in the nest. We can expect the eggs to hatch in 26 to 30 days. Keep your fingers crossed!

PLEASE give the area a WIDE BERTH!

Browntail Moth Update #7- June 10, 2022

The Maine Department of Agriculture Conservation & Forestry has issued a Status Update on the Browntail Moth infestation currently impacting the State, and it’s GOOD NEWS! Numbers are way down at their monitoring sites: “This week we are pleased to report we observed at least some fungus-caused mortality at all of our monitoring sites. At a few sites, it wasn’t easy to find live caterpillars to take measurements from, although we did find some after looking on trees a short walk down the road.” While this is generally good news, I know some of you on or around Clary Lake are still in Browntail Moth Hell, and I sympathize. Be patient, this pest is on the way out.

Here’s the bulletin, there’s other interesting information in it besides Browntail Moth news:

Spring/Summer 2022 Newsletter Is Out

The Spring/Summer 2022 Clary Lake Association Newsletter went in the mail about on schedule a little over a week ago and is now  available for download from our Newsletters page. Feel free to grab a copy and share it with your family and friends. Dues envelopes were included in the mailing, and dues have already started arriving. How gratifying is that! I’ll be updating the “Next Year’s 2022/2023 Membership List” as more checks arrive. At the time of this writing we’re up to 47 members. This year we totally met our Membership goal of 165 Members. Our Membership goal for the coming year includes a modest increase to 175 Members. Totally doable. You can help us reach (or exceed!) that goal by becoming a member today! Visit our Benefits of Membership page for more information about why you should join the Association, and how to do it. Continue reading

May 2022 Water Level Chart Archived

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May 2022

I have archived the May 2022 Water Level Chart (at left). From the beginning of the month on we saw an abrupt change from the above-average precipitation which has been the norm for the first 4 months of the year, almost as though someone had turned off the spigot! Total rainfall for the month was only 1.34 inches, well short of the normal 3.71 inches. Because we were 3.78 inches above normal at the end of April, we’re still 1.41 inches ahead of where we’d be in a “normal” year. However, simply looking at total precipitation gives you an unrealistic picture of actual ground water conditions: the fact of the matter is, the entire coast of Maine including Clary Lake is considered to be “Abnormally Dry” by the USDA Drought Monitor program. Continue reading

Summer 2022 Browntail Moth Forecast

The State of Maine has released a new map using the ArcGis mapping platform to show the state of the Browntail Moth infestation in Maine this year. Last year’s outbreak of the pest was the worst every seen in Maine, and it looks like this year will be very bad again. However, it looks to me like some of the areas that were hardest hit last year (including my property!) may experience less of a problem this year. My property on Clary Lake is surrounded by large red oak trees, and last year ALL of them were completely defoliated for the second year in a row. I feared a third year as bad as the previous two would doom many of my trees. I’m happy to report however that this year I’ve only spotted 1 caterpillar on my screen door and no evidence at all of caterpillars eating the emerging oak leaves. My fingers are crossed, it looks like we won’t suffer a repeat of the last two years this summer. Continue reading

17 April 2022: The Special Membership Meeting Happened

Happy Easter!

Yesterday’s Special Membership Meeting happened. It was, interestingly, both well attended and poorly attended. I was there along with my wife Margaret, Gareth and Beverly Bowen were there (it was after all at their house) and Board members Steven Cowles, and Mary Gingrow-Shaw attended. Also present were Greg & Karren Briggs (they have recently moved to Hodsdon Lane) and Pam and David Heath (they bought Tim & Brenda Robbin’s place on 215 last year). Also present via were nearly 100 Clary Lake Association members whose votes were to be counted.

Gareth and I perfected a great Zoom setup involving 2 laptops and a large screen TV. However, nobody attended the meeting by Zoom! I was quite surprised! This arrangement will work fine for future *indoor* meetings and may, perhaps with slight modifications, work for outdoor venues as well, assuming we can have internet access. We’ll see.

The purpose of the meeting was to count the returned proxy ballots (along with any votes cast in person) and certify the election results. The ballots, sent out in late January, included the following 3 Articles:

Article 1: To see if the Membership will approve changing the quorum as defined
in our Bylaws in Article 3, Section 6 “Quorum and Attendance” from one-third (1/3)
of the voting members to 15% of the voting members;

Article 2: To see if the Membership will approve changing Article 3, Section 6
“Quorum and Attendance” of our Bylaws from: “Anyone may attend any meeting of
the Members provided that only Members shall have a vote at such meeting.” to
“Anyone may attend any meeting of the Members either in person or virtually (if
it is an available option) provided that only Members shall have a vote at such

Article 3: To see if the Membership will approve changing Article 3 Section 3 of our
Bylaws from “The Annual Meeting of the Members of the Corporation shall be held
on the first (1st) Saturday in August or at the call of the President.” to “The Annual
Meeting of the Members of the Corporation shall be held on a Saturday in
August to be announced, or at the call of the President.”

I’m happy to announce that all three Articles passed. I’ve updated the website with the latest Clary Lake Association Bylaws.


George Fergusson, Secretary
Clary Lake Association

Special Membership Meeting Ahead!

This is a reminder that we have a Special Membership Meeting scheduled for this coming Saturday April 16th at 3:00 PM at the home of Gareth & Beverley Bowen at 739 Gardiner Road, Jefferson Maine. 

Proxy ballots were mailed to all CLA members back in late January along with a cover letter and a self addressed stamped envelope to return the completed ballots. The main question on the ballot involved a change to the wording of our bylaws pertaining to the definition of a quorum; currently a quorum is 1/3 of our voting membership, a hard number to muster! We’re looking to change that to 15% of our voting members. The purpose of this meeting is to officially count the proxy ballots that were returned and any raised-hands at the meeting, and announce the results of the vote. Continue reading

29 March 2022: ICE OUT! We have a Winner!

Ice-Out-3-29-2022-LargeIt’s Official:  the sheet of ice that extended from shore to shore down by the boat launch yesterday and which blocked access to the lake was ground up by the high wind this morning and driven into the cove at the east end of the lake. I just consulted with David Hodsdon and we agree that the official Ice Out date is today: 29 March 2022.

Vicki Grimaldi with her guess of March 25th was the closest to ice out without going over, making her the Winner of this year’s ice out contest! Congratulations Vicki! She’ll be receiving the framed loon photograph by David Hodsdon (see image below). Vicki bought Dennis Morgan’s place on Hodsdon Lane back in the summer of 2021. For runners up we have Jack Holland with his guess of March 24th, winner of the “What do you mean it’s not ice out yet?” award, and Dan Burns and Steve Relyea with their March 30th guesses are both winners of the “Missed it by >< that much” award. All 3 runners up will receive a laminated copy of the Clary Lake Depth Map (image at left).

And so concludes our 2022 Ice Out Contest! A month ago I wouldn’t have bet dollars to donuts that the ice would be out before the end of the first week in April, based on how thick the ice was this winter and how cold it’s been this spring, which I suppose just goes to show you what I know. If you’re forgotten your guess, you’ll find it in this post. It’s also unusual for it to take so long (9 days) to go out once open water first showed up on the north shore (like it always does). The reason it took so long I think it because it really wasn’t ready! Usually ice-out occurs much faster. Even more interesting: this year’s ice out date is the same as last year’s ice out date. I didn’t see that coming!

I’d like to thank everyone for playing and encourage you to try again next year. I’ll be picking up the framed loon photograph and delivering it to Vicki later this week. The runners up will get their prizes the next time I see them, which might be the next time they stop by my house if I don’t stop by their house first!

27 March 2022: Still Got Ice!

20220327_123502-MediumI went over to the boat launch today and took the picture at left. After consulting with Google Earth, I estimate there are at least 50 acres of ice left down at the east end of the lake, and 3-4 acres of ice left on the south shore in Jefferson. I think the reason the ice is going out so slowly this year is because it really wasn’t ready to melt off; we got some warm weather and a good rain storm a week ago Saturday and some open water appeared on the north shore. Then 2 days of 35+ mph winds knocked a Big Hole in the ice cover, but much of what remained was still quite solid. Unusual conditions this year, for sure.

23 March 2022: Ice Out Update: Close but No Cigar!


I have never seen the ice disappear from Clary Lake as fast as it has this year! Last Friday there were people ice fishing. Rain on Saturday and with winds on Monday and Tuesday with gusts of 35-40 mph really hammered the ice into submission. As of this morning, winds have let up considerably but are still blowing 8 mph or so. There is a considerable amount of ice left on the south shore both in Whitefield and Jefferson. We’re not calling ice out yet, but it won’t be long now. Tomorrow we’re expecting rain during the day with moderate winds from the south which change to the east and pick up in intensity come night fall. It’s hard to imagine the remaining ice hanging around to the weekend.

You can keep an eye on things with our Clary_cams (which President Dave Knight insists on calling Spy_cams) and if you haven’t tried yet, livestream them!