Category Archives: Aquatic Invasive Species

Utah Takes Aquatic Invasive Species Decontamination Seriously!

Utah-AIS-Station_IMG_1355-LargeClary Lake Association member Alan Clark spends his summer’s here in Maine helping out with our Courtesy Boat Inspection program, the rest of the year he lives Utah. He was recently boating on Lake Powell on the Utah/Arizona border and sent me these pictures of an Aquatic Invasive Species decontamination station. Here on Clary Lake we’re primarily concerned with Aquatic Invasive Plants, but in Utah, they’re also on the lookout for invasive animals, particularly Quagga Mussels and Rusty Crawfish. It is only a matter of time before we too will be on the lookout for invasive animals, and we’ll likely have similar decontamination facilities installed at Maine boat launches. There’s plenty to be on the lookout for; here’s a link to the Maine DEP Advisory List of Invasive Aquatic Species.