I just received news that my good friend Thomas Gillette has passed away. I had a cup of coffee with him a couple of months ago out on the deck of his home on the lake. I was so looking forward to having another one with him next summer. Thomas loved fishing on Clary Lake. The above picture, taken some years ago, shows Thomas proudly displaying a 7.5 pound largemouth bass he caught.
I’ll post his obituary when it becomes available.
He will be sorely missed.
He will indeed.
He has shared and I’ve enjoyed some great fishing stories over the years. I believe Tom & Ed Grant were instrumental in Largemouth Bass being introduced to Clary Lake. They were great fishing buddies and loved Clary Lake. When they wanted a good fish fry, they went to Somerville Long Pond to harvest fish.
All true. I’ve been to a few of those fish fries.
His heart was always at Clary Lake with his friends.
Indeed it was. He was a life long steward of Clary Lake, a good friend, and a generous patron of the Clary Lake Association.
Bethie and I have done a lot of tree work for Tom and Delph over the years. I’m glad to have had the privilege of knowing him. He left me with a pearl not long ago, “Good people know good people.” I’m sad to hear that he’s gone. Cheers Tom.
What a fun guy to talk with.
Dear George, how kind you were to write such a lovely article about Tom. Thank everyone for sharing their memories of him. Best wishes, Delph
Delph, please accept my heartfelt condolences for your loss. You’re in all our thoughts. I’m working on some additional comments I’ll post along with his obituary in due time.