Clary Lake Webcams

As of September 24, 2016 there are 3 Clary Lake WebCams. Clary Cam 1 is the original cam and is located on the south shore of the lake on the Fergusson Property and looks roughly Due North. Clary Cam 2 was added in November 2015 and is also located on the south shore of the lake, on the Hodsdon Property. It looks roughly South East, towards the State boat launch. Clary Cam 3 was added September 2016 and is next to Clary Cam 1 but is pointing approximately NNE. Between the 3 cameras, Clary Lake is pretty much covered. These pictures are live images from the cams; click on one for a full size version, or click on the link to visit that cam’s page.

Clary WebCam 1
Live Stream in your browser

Picture updated every 20 minutes.
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Picture Archive (last 3 days)

Clary WebCam 3
Live stream in your browser

Picture updated every 20 minutes.
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Picture Archive (last 3 days)

Clary WebCam 2
Live stream in your browser

Picture updated every 20 minutes.
Page does NOT automatically refresh
Picture Archive (last 3 days)

Clary_Cams_FOVTo get a general idea of what you’re looking at, check out this image from Google Earth. It show where each camera is located on the lake and the APPROXIMATE FOV (Field Of View) of each Webcam which is 70° wide. Clary Cam3 fills in the gap between Cam1 and Cam2. These zones aren’t quite correct anymore, but they are close.

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