Official Clary Lake Ice-In Date: December 15, 2024

After several false starts, the meteorological conditions necessary to freeze up the lake have finally occurred though it remains to be seen if the ice survives the rain and 50° temperature forecast for next Tuesday. Our ice-in and ice-out records go back to 2001 and for what it’s worth, today, December 15th, is the average ice-in date. There were 282 days in 2024 without ice on the lake, considerably more than the average of 254 ice-free days. Gorgeous looking ice, but I’d let it thicken before venturing out on it!

While 23 years really isn’t a long enough period of time for meaningful climate data analysis, a look at the above chart shows clears trends developing for later ice-in and earlier ice-out dates. However, the yellow line showing days between ice-in and ice-out picks up days on both ends and there’s no uncertainty at all in how that statistic is trending.