Merry Christmas from the Clary Lake Association

Warm Holiday Greetings to Members, Friends, and Neighbors from the Clary Lake Association!

As our holidays approach, we experience both an ending and a look to new beginnings; thoughts come to us as we take stock of how we might have measured up in our aspirations over the past year and what might be the focus in the new year. We remember loved ones and friends who have left us and we gather close to those who are with us. This time of year can be both a joyous and cherished celebration as well as an expectation-ridden and even somber journey into memories past.

So, whatever traditions each of you and your families take part in this holiday season, remember that above all, this is the season of light and love. May both visit you and yours in abundance now, and in the year to come. Remember to be grateful and kind.

On Behalf of the Clary Lake Association Board,

Margaret Fergusson