Signup or Renew Your Membership On Line

We’ve setup an online membership dues payment mechanism. We’re using PayPal’s secure online payment processing system to handle your membership subscription. You’ll need to log into your PayPal account, or sign up for one. PayPal accounts are FREE and offer many benefits aside from being a convenient and secure way to shop on line- or in this case, to donate to a worthy cause. Whether you’re signing up for a PayPal account or logging into your existing account, the payment process is painless, fast, and secure.

Membership dues are $30 per person for 1 year and the membership year runs from Annual Meeting to Annual Meeting (usually held in August). We accept memberships for the current membership year until the end of January. Starting February 1st dues are applied to the upcoming membership year which begins at the Annual Meeting. After making your payment, you’ll receive an email receipt suitable for tax preparation purposes.

For you Smartphone equipped people, here’s our QR code, or you can always sign up the old fashioned way: print out our Membership Signup/Renewal form and mail us your check.