Category Archives: Association News

Posts about Clary Lake Association stuff.

2015 Clary Lake Association Annual Meeting Scheduled

talking-heads-customThe Annual Meeting of the Clary Lake Association has been scheduled for Saturday August 1st, at 2:00 pm at the home of Ellis Percy and Joann Tribby. This is the same place we held the meeting last year and it worked out so well we decided to do it again this year. Their home is at 101 Old Madden Road in Jefferson. As a reminder, I’ve put a countdown timer in the sidebar right under the Weather widget showing the time remaining until the meeting. I’ve also updated the Meetings and Minutes page with the above information and will post additional material there as it becomes available.

IMG_20140802_154024 (Custom)We’ll be sending out the Summer 2015 newsletter in about a week which will include a membership form for the upcoming 2015/2016 membership year. Dues are still only $25 per year (the membership year runs from annual meeting to annual meeting) and we would encourage you to mail in your membership form prior to the annual meeting. Otherwise, please plan to show up at the meeting a half hour early to register and get settled as we have a lot of business to conduct and will want to start the meeting promptly at 2:00 pm. You’ll notice that we no longer ask for separate Summer and Winter addresses, they have been an endless source of confusion as in “the man with 2 watches will never know what time it is.” Please provide your main address where you get most of your mail and please include an email address if possible as it makes contacting you fast and easy!

Speaking of fast and easy, you can also sign up or renew your membership online using our secure Paypal subscription system. Fast. Easy.

The Clary Lake Association currently has about 67 members or about 62% of the eligible lake shore community. Now there are several ways to look at this figure. On the one hand, 62% is way more than the average participation rate for lake associations in Maine, and we should be proud and grateful that so many lake shore owners have decided to join us in our fight to protect Clary Lake. On the other hand, considering the dire circumstances facing our lake and the epic battle we’re fighting to protect and preserve it, one has to wonder why EVERY LAKE SHORE OWNER has not joined the Association! We’re facing an adversary who wishes to destroy the lake we have come to know and love, and we’re working hard to represent your interests and to protect and preserve Clary Lake for future generations. All we’re asking for is that you add your voice to ours and support us. We’d like to be able to say we represent ALL Clary Lake shore owners. Are you a member? If not, why not?

When you receive your copy of our newsletter later this summer, please consider joining the Association, and plan on coming to the Annual meeting. We need your support!

Robert Frederico Antognoni Obituary

Bob_Antognoni01Robert Frederico Antognoni
1925 – 2015
JEFFERSON – Robert Frederico Antognoni, 89, died peacefully at his home on Clary Lake, surrounded by his loving family on Wednesday, March 4, 2015. Robert was born on Aug. 22, 1925, in Concord, Mass., to Secondo and Ersilia Fraticelli Antognoni, who had both immigrated to the United States from Fano, Italy.  Continue reading…

Friends are invited to memorialize Bob and his life at Staples Funeral Home in Gardiner. Visiting hours will be 4-7 p.m., Sunday, March 8. A Mass will be celebrated at 11 a.m. on Monday, March 9, at St. Denis Catholic Church, North Whitefield. A reception to commemorate his life will immediately follow the service at the St. Denis Parish Hall across the street.


04 October 2014: Who says the State boat launch is unusable?

IMG_4337 (Custom)Jack Holland called me earlier today and told me to get over to the boat launch and bring a camera. I didn’t stop to ask questions, I just dashed off. Well, the scene I encountered when I arrived there a few minutes later defied comprehension (see picture upper left). Nonplussed, I decided to just shoot first and ask questions later (you’ll find them in the new Fall 2014 gallery). I also decided to shoot a couple of videos. The first one shows them hauling the Cat loader out of the muck:

I was surprised and impressed those 2 trucks managed to drag that loader out, I’m pretty sure it weighed more than both trucks put together. Then with the loader out of the way, they were able to address the pickup truck problem:

I guess this situation would be funny if it weren’t so tragic. Backing your truck into the lake to get your boat because there isn’t enough water at the end of the ramp was not a great idea, getting stuck was virtually guaranteed. Getting the Cat loader stuck was inevitable once the (bad) decision was made to drive that into the lake to pull out the truck. Then they called dad.

These kids were fortunate really, nobody injured, nothing lost but face. Oh. And a broken drive shaft. And a tow rope. They stirred up a plume of clay sediment (visible in the above video) that will take a while to settle out and they’ve left some ruts in the lake bottom that will be there for years to come, but to put things in perspective, really, the environmental impact of their silly escapade is inconsequential in comparison to that being visited on Clary Lake by the dam owner himself, and through their inaction, the Department of Environmental Protection. Kids will be kids. While it is easy to be critical of their behavior, I can remember doing some pretty stupid things myself when I was young. Nothing like this of course.

06 September 2014: New Clary Lake contour map finally available

Clary_Lake_Depth_MapI have finally gotten around to generating a contour map of Clary Lake using data collected by the Department of Environmental Protection during their September 2012 bathymetric survey. In addition to the high resolution image pictured at left there’s a smaller version available, and a 24″x36″ PDF which is quite large but which can be viewed or printed out at about any scale you wish. Feel free to download them, you’ll find them and the other files pertaining to the original bathymetric survey over on the Maps, Charts, and Graphs gallery. Each image has a link in the description field to the full-sized image.

The data set consists of 3,265 points with each point defining a 3-dimensional location on the face of the earth (i.e., the latitude, longitude, and water depth below the top of the dam). The depth was measured with a depth meter and each depth measurement was paired with the latitude and longitude of the point obtained via GPS receiver. The data in the form of a spread sheet was supplied to us back in April 2013 along with a colorized bathymetric map of the lake generated from the data. This map was a marked improvement over the original depth map of Clary Lake, prepared by the Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife back in late 1940s, but it lacks some real utility because it doesn’t show you what the bottom of the lake actually looks like- where the hills are, where the holes are, what the depth is at any given spot. According to the original depth map, the deepest spot in Clary Lake was only 23′ whereas we now know that the deepest spot is actually 29′ below the top of the dam. Continue reading

18 August 2014: Clary Lake Association requests change to Service List

img_2254__medium_Almost from the beginning of the Clary Lake Water Level Petition, attorney and Clary Lake shore owner Robert Rubin has served as counsel for the Association in their role as intervenor in the petition proceedings. His advice and assistance over the past two and a half years on behalf of the Association as well as to me personally in my role as Petition Spokesperson has been invaluable and was instrumental in bringing the Clary Lake water level petition to a successful conclusion. I consider him a good friend and we all owe him a debt of gratitude for his selfless service to the Association and for his commitment to the preservation of Clary Lake.

Well, Bob has been making plans to retire for some time now, and he has finally gone and done it: he is no longer practicing law. His wife, Cheryl Ayer, a practicing attorney and recently elected Clary Lake Association Board member, has agreed to take over the role of counsel for the Association as intervenor in the Clary Lake water level petition proceedings. To that end, I have sent a letter to the Department requesting they update their Service List to reflect this change in representation.

While the petition process is behind us (thank goodness), the Service List itself has not been dismantled and is still available for information distribution to certain State agencies and other interested parties, of which there are quite a few. Departmental procedural orders regarding the Clary Lake water level order will be sent to the Service List. This update also serves to remind the Department that the Clary Lake Association is still here, waiting, and watching.

03 August 2014: Yet Another Successful Annual Association Meeting

We had a good meeting of the Clary Lake Association yesterday, reasonably well attended though I had expected a somewhat larger turnout given how much we promoted the meeting. I remain somewhat chagrined that so many Clary Lake shore owners either aren’t interested in joining the Association or just can’t be bothered. I’m also surprised that some folks actually show up for the meetings, but are still unwilling to join! What’s up with that? The Clary Lake Association is dedicated to preserving, protecting, and enhancing the natural beauty, and quality of Clary Lake and its watershed. Everyone who owns land on Clary Lake should be a member, without exception.

The membership unanimously voted to adopt the Proposed Revised Bylaws. After the work the Bylaws committee put in on them over the past year, it would have been disheartening to say the least if they had been rejected! Furthermore, we got some good feed back from the membership to guide the Bylaws committee in revising the Membership and Voting Rights language to be voted on at next year’s meeting. I’ll finalize the newly adopted bylaws and post them on the website as soon as I get a round tuit. Continue reading

23 June 2014: Clary Lake Association Summer 2014 Newsletter is in the mail!

By now many of you will have received a copy of the Clary Lake Association’s Summer 2014 Newsletter which went in the mail last Friday. It is also archived along with a number of more recent newsletters in the Newsletter Archive. The newsletter goes out to all Clary Lake shore owners regardless of whether they’re members of the Association or not as well as a number of friends of Clary Lake. Feel free to share a copy with your friends.

12 May 2014: Date set for 2014 Annual Clary Lake Association meeting

The Clary Lake Association Board met yesterday afternoon at the home of George and Margaret Fergusson to discuss, among other things, the upcoming Annual meeting. This year’s annual Clary Lake Association meeting will be Saturday August 2nd at 2:00 PM at the home of Ellis Percy and Joann Tribby. They live in the last house at end of the Madden Road in Jefferson. The rain date will be the next day, same time same place. The big item to be voted on at this year’s meeting will be the revised bylaws. You may recall that a Bylaws Committee was formed at last year’s meeting and charged with the responsibility of reviewing and revising the Association bylaws. The last time the bylaws were revised was in 2001 so they’re long overdue for an overhaul.

The Bylaws committee members have been busy this past winter making many necessary revisions; the proposed revised bylaws will be sent out to the membership for review (along with a proxy ballot for those members who won’t be able to make it to the meeting to vote) well in advance of the Annual meeting. At this time we’re planning to send them out with the Summer 2014 newsletter on or about the 15th of June. The proposed bylaws will also be posted here, perhaps along with a totally unofficial opinion poll to give people an opportunity to comment on them.

More meeting details, a program, and proposed agenda to follow. This event has been added to the Clary Lake Association Events Calendar. Stay tuned!

08 May 2014: New Clary Lake Association page on Google+

Hi All! I have created a new Clary Lake Association page on Google+ to replace the original “Community” page. There are several reasons for doing this, the primary one being that I can’t automagically add website posts to the Community page, but I can to the new one. Otherwise, the pages look about the same. Currently website posts here are automatically posted to my personal George Fergusson Google+ page as public posts and to get them posted on the Community page requires I do it manually. Sadly, I don’t have the time or inclination to do that so there hasn’t been much happening there. Incidentally, the posting goes both ways, though not automatically: Google+ posts can be easily embedded on this site. How cool is that?

It might take a few tries to get the automatic posting working. We’ll see. Here’s the link to the new page:

Just a reminder, the Association has a Facebook page too. The Association’s Community page is going away soon. If you are among those that have posted stuff on the Community page (you know who you are) please feel free to repost it on the new page. Thanks!

05 March 2014: Clary Lake Association’s 501c3 status reinstated like it was never gone

At last, something good to report! You will recall back in July of last year it came to our attention that the Internal Revenue Service had revoked the Clary Lake Association’s 501(c)3 non-profit status somewhere back around 2007. We were never made aware of this change in status by the IRS. I first posted about this matter when it was brought to our attention by Mr. Kelley and I first wrote about it on 10 July 2013, and again when we filed our new application on 15 July 2013. Well I am pleased to announce that the IRS has approved our application for non-profit status and has officially reinstated the Clary Lake Association’s 501c3 status as of 24 February 2014 as per letter received yesterday. The letter also says that our reinstatement is retroactive to the date of revocation which means there has been no lapse in our non-profit status in the eyes of the law. While this comes as good news for us, Mr. Kelley, who has been spreading vicious rumors and haranguing the AG’s office and the IRS in an attempt to make trouble for us will no doubt be devastated when he finds out the good news. Continue reading

29 January 2014 Lincoln County News: Water Level Order Enacted for Clary Lake

There is an article on the front page of this week’s Lincoln County News about the recently issued water level order for Clary Lake. I was interviewed at length yesterday morning by the reporter, Dominik Lobkowicz and I gather from statements in the article that he also subsequently interviewed Paul Kelley, who continues to posture and complain as if people still cared about what he thought:

Water Level Order Enacted for Clary Lake

[archived copy of article]

I have to comment on several things. First, Mr. Lobkowicz expressed surprise when I told him I thought Mr. Kelley would keep fighting this Order as long as he had the energy to do so. Surely Mr. Kelley will want to cut his losses? Well, numerous statements in the article clearly indicate that Kelley has no intention of simply “giving up” this battle even though the battle is over, and he has lost. Continue reading

29 January 2014: Announcing the Clary Dam Project, a computer mediated discussion group

Now that the State’s Water Level Order has been issued, the dam owner faces a number of daunting tasks and a challenging time line to complete the work of bringing the dam property into compliance with the Order. The Clary Lake Association has made it publicly known that we are ready and willing to assist the dam owner in completing this work but to date they have not expressed any interest in having us help them. It also remains to be seen just how willing the Membership really is to help Mr. Kelley with his problem. Nonetheless the Clary Lake Association is confident that sooner or later we will be asked for help or even asked to take over ownership of the dam completely and feel therefore that it is in our current best interests and long term goals to start acting like the stewards of Clary Lake that we claim to be.

Complying with the Water Level Order will involve a lot of money and a daunting amount of work on the part of many people and while we may all personally relish the prospect of this work, it is daunting nonetheless. Success depends on a committed and coordinated group effort which in turn requires organization and planning. Failure is not an option. It is our belief that full adherence to the conditions specified in the Water Level Order and implementing the water level regime contained therein are crucial steps to meeting the goals of the Clary Lake Association of protecting and preserving Clary Lake, now, and into the future. To this end I have setup the Clary Dam Project. This is a collaborative, interactive, computer-mediated discussion group for the express purpose of facilitating the exchange of information and ideas between like-minded people with a common goal. Continue reading

25 January 2014: Clary Lake Association Community set up on Google+

I have set up a Clary Lake Association Community on Google Plus. Online social networking communities provide means, methods, and opportunities for people to share and exchange information in ways that just aren’t offered by an more traditional information-distribution site such as this one. On this site, I post stuff and people can comment the posts and reply to comments, but it’s not the same thing as being involved in an online community. It has only been in existence for less than an hour and already there are 9 members and a video posted by David Chase. Go figure.

The Clary Lake Association community will also be a source of material for this site. That’s a good thing. If anyone has any questions about all this, email me or comment!

19 November 2013: Whitefield residents vote not to pursue dam ownership. Again.

img_4059-mediumAt a special Whitefield town meeting tonight, Whitefield residents voted not to pursue ownership of the Clary Lake dam just like they did at a similar meeting held last spring. I don’t know about anyone else, but I certainly didn’t expect a different outcome. At least the meeting was well attended! Jefferson held their own special meeting last night and only about 20 people showed up. They too voted (again) not to pursue ownership of the Clary Lake dam and the meeting was over in less than 5 minutes. It was over so quickly that Paul Kelley, who arrived a few minutes late, was walking into the  meeting while everyone else was walking out.

img_4069-smallPaul Kelley was at tonight’s meeting as was Richard Smith, Manager of Aquafortis Associates LLC. Ellis Percy, President of the Association stopped by long enough to present Kelley with a revised offer on the Clary Lake dam. So far, attempts to meet with Kelley to discuss the Association’s purchase of the dam have been unsuccessful but we remain optimistic that the Association will end up owning the dam sooner or later.

Tonight’s meeting pretty much wraps up Kelley’s obligations under the statute. Next step is his consultation with the Department of Environmental Protection.

16 November 2013: Benefit Supper for Rusty Althenn

Benefit Poster

I received the following email (and the above poster) from Stan York today.

Hi George,

I wanted to ask if it might be possible to have the Clary Lake Association help us get the word out about a benefit dinner being held for one of our camp owners. Rusty Althenn, who’s wife Patty I believe is a member (they own the camp to the right of ours on the lake), has had some medical issues lately that resulted in the loss of kidney function and regular dialysis treatments. The community here in Palermo and South China where we live is responding with a Benefit Spaghetti Supper to be held at Erskine Academy in South China this Saturday from 5-7pm. We are also having a Silent Auction and a 50/50 Raffle. We are hoping to raise money to help them with medical bills, as he has spent the last few weeks in and out of the hospital in Portland (and now traveling regularly to Augusta/Waterville for dialysis treatments).

I know that Patty and Rusty are very well known on the lake, and I am not sure how to get the word out to a lot of the people who see them regularly during the summer months. We were hoping maybe we could get the poster for the benefit on the Association website, or maybe forwarded to your group e-mail list.

Let me know your thoughts, and we appreciate anything you can do!


Stan York
P O Box 51
Palermo ME 04354


10 September 2013: Clary Lake Association receives Exempt Charitable Organization status

donate-onlineThe Clary Lake Association has finally received Exempt Charitable Organization status under the State’s Charitable Solicitations Act. We applied for exempt status back in July. I thought it prudent at the time to curtail our solicitations activities while our application was pending review.  In accordance with our new-found status I have added back the donate button on the “Donate to the Association” page as well as put a donate button back on selected pages. My wife Margaret, who is the chair person of the Fundraising Committee, will be most pleased.

Let the fund raising begin!

01 September 2013: Upcoming 2013 Watershed Survey Training Workshop September 20th

dep-logo-customAt the Association’s annual meeting last month, the membership voted to work on updating the 2001 Clary Lake watershed survey. To that end, about 10 people volunteered to take part in the survey. To that end, the Department of Environmental Protection is giving a workshop for volunteers to train them how to identify, monitor, and mitigate  non-point sources of pollution in lake watersheds.

The 4.5 hour workshop is free and will be held from 10:00 AM till 2:30 PM on September 20th at the Maine Volunteer Lake Monitor Program’s Brackett Environmental Center facilities in Auburn (I’ve added an event on the Clary Lake Association event calendar). The VLMP has setup a page with more information about the workshop. If anyone wants to attend, give George a call at 549-5991 or email him at

12 August 2013: Your Association dues are (over) due!

join_or_renew_todayOur treasurer Linda Gallion tells me that she’s received only 44 membership renewals so far this year. The majority of our members pay up at the Annual meeting but this year a number of people showed up for the meeting but must have forgotten their checkbooks. It is not unusual for membership renewals to trickle in for a while after the annual meeting. It’s not too late! Dues are $25 and you can sign up online if you want.

For an Association pep talk, check out our Benefits of Membership page or go directly to the Signup or Renew your Membership Online page. Our membership year runs from annual meeting to annual meeting.

05 August 2013: Pictures Added to Historical Photographs Album

A) fish-derby-allrev1mediumDavid Hodsdon gave me a CD of Association files the other day and I’ve been going through them as I find the time. Included were some pictures and I’ve uploaded 8 of them to the Historical Photographs album. Now, they date from around 2000 so they’re not really “historical” in the true sense of the word but I’m sure you’ll agree that most of them are quite happy in that category. A number of them were taken during a Kids Fishing Derby A) 23-loons-on-clary-lake-apr18
held in the spring of 2000. I only recognize a few of the adults and none of the kids. The one at upper left shows everyone participating in the derby. Here’s one that I’m pretty sure Arolyn Antognoni took showing 23 loons on Clary Lake. I remember her talking about it and I seem to remember her showing me a photograph she took that day too. I think this must be it.

A fishing derby sure sounds like a good idea… some day, when life on Clary Lake is back to normal.

05 August 2013: Welcome to new officers and a few site changes

thumbs_up1I’ve updated the About and Contact pages to reflect the changes to the Association officers following last weekend’s Annual Meeting. Now I’d like to officially welcome two new board members, Jane Chase and Mary Hornecker. On behalf of the Association I’d like to thank you for stepping up to be of service. Small organizations like the Clary Lake Association depend on the energy and initiative of people like you to help keep us focused and relevant. Jane is also sitting on the newly re-formed Bylaws Committee along with Malcolm Burson, David Hodsdon, and Trudi Hodgkins. I’d also like to officially welcome myself. I am the new Secretary 🙂

The Membership also showed their support for pursuing updating the Clary Lake Watershed Survey. The Membership’s show of support for this important initiative shows they understand the meaning and value of good stewardship and sound watershed management and furthermore are willing to do something about it. After giving it some thought, I’ve moved the Clary Lake Watershed Survey page from the Charts & Data menu heading to the Programs/Education menu heading where it more rightly belongs.

I’m still working on the minutes.