Category Archives: Association News

Posts about Clary Lake Association stuff.

Clary Lake water level story will run Thursday on “Maine Things Considered”

Most of you have heard that Susan Sharon of Maine Public Radio is doing a story on Clary Lake, I posted about it last week. I had expected a little more notice about when the story was going to run but I only found out this evening that it will probably air tomorrow  (Thursday, 8/31) at 5:30 pm on “Maine Things Considered.” If for some reason it doesn’t air Thursday, then it should be on Friday either on “Morning Edition” (6 am to 9 am daily) or “Maine Things Considered” at 5:30 pm.

If you happen to miss the on-air presentation, don’t worry! The story will be available on the Maine Public Radio website at some point, and I’ll post a link here when I get it.

Keep an eye out here for updates on this story!

23 August 2017: Maine Public Radio is doing a Story on Clary Lake

DSC_4841 (Large)_compressedMaine Public Radio Deputy News Director and General Assignment Reporter Susan Sharon is going to be doing a story on Clary Lake. She came out to Whitefield last Monday to interview me and Malcolm Burson. Her visit included a boat ride to see first hand the impact of our water level crisis on the life and times of Clary Lake. Our tour included a stop on the north shore to meet and interview Kelsie French, long time Clary Lake shore owner with a camp over on Duncan Road in Jefferson. Ms. Sharon’s visit concluded with a stop to see the Clary Lake dam and Clary Mill.

Her story will likely appear sometime within the next week. When I find out the particulars I’ll post them here.



22 August 2017: CLA Petition to DEP Submitted

I want to thank EVERYONE who signed our petition to DEP and to let everyone know that the Petition which the Board introduced at the Clary Lake Association Annual meeting on August 12th, along with over 350 signatures collected both at the meeting and over the course of the week following the meeting, was hand-delivered to the office of the Commissioner of the DEP yesterday, Monday August 21st, as planned. Looking over the signature sheets I believe ALL Clary Lake Association members managed to sign the petition even if they weren’t at the meeting; quite a few people who are currently out of state printed out the signature sheet, signed it, and mailed or emailed it back to me. A lot of people collected signatures for us, but I’d particularly like to thank Debbie Duncan, Ellis Percy, Malcolm Burson, and Jack and Ann Holland for their efforts to collect signatures. It seems like more often than not, when I asked someone to sign they’d say “Already signed it!” 🙂

It remains to be seen how the Department will respond to the petition and what if anything action they will take towards enforcement of the Clary Lake water level order. They have a variety of enforcement options and while I don’t expect miracles, I am cautiously optimistic they will take this matter as seriously as we do.  I do expect to hear from them and will keep everyone apprised of any developments.

The petition was also sent to the Lincoln County News, Central Maine Papers, and the Portland Press Herald, and I do expect articles to appear later this week in most if not all those papers.

15 August 2017: Membership Update

At our Annual Meeting just concluded, we added 22 people to our membership rolls, less than usual only because so many people joined or renewed their membership before the meeting. This brings our current member total to 104, by far the most members we’ve ever had right after the Annual Meeting. Typically dues continue to come in for several months after the Annual meeting so I am confident we’ll reach this year’s membership goal of 140. Eight of our new members have never been members before. I find it particularly heartening that we continue to attract new people! Now more than ever, Membership Matters.

For those of you who are a little confused about our membership year, it is not based on the calendar year but instead straddles it, running from Annual meeting to Annual meeting which is usually on the 1st Saturday in August (this year it was changed to the second Saturday to accommodate our meeting hosts). It’s been this way since the the Association was first formed back in 1960 and while there has been talk over the years of changing our membership year to correspond to the calendar year, it’s never happened and probably won’t anytime soon.

I posted these membership numbers last spring in a previous “membership update” and they bear repeating here:

Clary Lake Association Membership History

Membership YearNumber of Members

While the change in our bylaws a few years ago allowing 1) multiple members per family and 2) not requiring that members own property on Clary Lake or have deeded (legal) access to it explains some of the increase in recent years, it doesn’t begin to fully account for it by any means. Clearly, there is increased concern over the health and wellbeing of Clary Lake and a burgeoning of interest in and appreciation of the important role the Clary Lake Association is playing in current events. The value of the work we’re doing to represent the interests of lake shore owners and community members alike and keeping everyone informed and engaged is extremely important. While we haven’t succeeded in resolving the current water level crisis yet, we are helping guide it to a satisfactory conclusion. And progress IS being made.

Again, I would like to thank everyone for their ongoing commitment to Clary Lake, and the Clary Lake Association.

12 August 2017: Annual Meeting a Great Success

Annual Clary Lake Association Meeting, August 12, 2017. Meeting finally underway. About 50 people attended the meeting. Photograph by George Fergusson

The Annual 2017 Clary Lake Association meeting was a great success. I’ll post a thorough update in a few days, but for now I just wanted to get a few pictures online and say THANK YOU!! to all the people that helped make this a great meeting. In particular, many thanks to Erin Grimshaw for hosting the meeting.




These pictures are in the Spring/Summer 2017 Gallery.


Despite the somewhat wet and rainy conditions outside your window this morning, we’ve been assured that Partly Sunny conditions will arrive for this afternoon. The rain is forecast to stop later this morning with only a chance of showers late this afternoon and evening.

We will NOT be invoking the rain date provision of our meeting announcement! Going forward we will be moving away from having a rain date at all, which means finding a venue that works rain or shine. This time of year, it’s hard enough to schedule an afternoon let alone keeping 2 consecutive afternoons available. People are busy.

Hope to see you at the meeting!

09 August 2017: ClaryCam2 Back In Service

campic2ClaryCam2 is back in service! David Hodsdon has replaced the dead camera with a new one of the same make and model and we got it hooked up and connecting this afternoon. From the looks of it I’d say he hasn’t been keeping his shoreline mowed. You can just make out the State Boat launch on the right side of the photo. I think David is going to straighten the image just a bit if he hasn’t already.

You can see all 3 cameras on the Clary Lake Webcams page. Here’s the updated Remote Access information:

Remote Access

Realtime remote access is currently working for all 3 cameras. The username and password is the same: Username: guest  Password: 123abc
Clarycam 1 
For access with a browser:
For access with VLC: rtsp://
Clarycam 2:
For access with a browswer:
For access with VLC: rtsp://
Clarycam 3:
For access with a browser:
For access with VLC: rtsp://


Annual Meeting Reminder

The Annual Meeting of the Clary Lake Association is next Saturday, August 12th at 2:00 PM. The meeting is to be held at the home of Erin Grimshaw and Christina Bishop located at 739 Gardiner Road in Jefferson. Erin and Christina hosted the meeting last year and it turned out to be such a great venue that we’ve decided to hold it there again. Their home is located about 1/3 of a mile west of (towards Whitefield) the intersection of Route 126 and 215. You’ll know the place: this is the house at the foot of the old MacDonald hay field overlooking Clary Lake, and at the end of a looooong driveway. Andy Goss built the house a few years ago; Erin and Christina have owned it since 2013. Here’s a Google Map showing the location. If you need help finding the place George at 207-549-5991 for directions.

The rain date, on the off chance it is raining on Saturday, is the same time, same place, the next day. I can’t remember the last time the Annual meeting was rained out (though it got a little dicey last year). As usual, there will be a pot luck supper at the conclusion of the meeting so bring your favorite casserole, salad, desert, bread, dip, or what have you and plan to stay awhile and socialize.

Petition Announcement

This year the CLA Board intends to introduce for discussion and Membership approval, a petition to the Department of Environmental Protection requesting they take enforcement action in the matter of the Clary Lake Water Level Order. As most of you know, the Water Level Order was issued over 42 months ago on January 27, 2014 and a subsequent Notice of Violation was issued on September 28, 2015. Since then the Department has taken no further action. The order however is still in force and has not been stayed. We see no reason why they shouldn’t immediately initiate enforcement action. We hope you’ll be able to attend the meeting and sign this petition.

The Board will be collecting additional signatures and endorsements during the week following the Annual meeting and plan to submit the Petition to DEP on or about Monday August 21st. You do not need to be a Clary Lake Association member or a Clary Lake shore owner to sign the petition. If you can’t make it to the meeting but would still like to sign the petition, please contact George Fergusson at or call at 207-549-5991 and we’ll try to accommodate you.

Summer 2017 Newsletter Now Online.

Typical Clary Lake Sunset, photograph by Craig Brann, used by permission. Taken at the State boat launch, August 2016.

The Summer 2017 Newsletter went in the mail early last week. It is now available for download from our Newsletter Archive. Please feel free to share it with your friends.

This year’s featured picture is a stunning sunset photograph (at left) taken by Craig Brann. He recently posted it on the Clary Lake Association Facebook Page.


07 June 2017: Loon Nest Spotted on Clary Lake

DSC_4108 (Medium)The Loons are once again trying to nest on Clary Lake. This year’s nest is located in more or less the traditional loon nesting location, in the cove over by the floating bog on the north shore, just east of the outlet. The loons haven’t faired too well in recent years and I truly hope they succeed this time around. The last time they successfully hatched some eggs was back in 2008. We’ve documented numerous failed nesting attempts since then, and severe variations in water level has been the primary cause of nest failure. Last year, their eggs turned out not to be fertile.

Typically the male and female loons build the nest together over the course of a about week in late May or early June and lay eggs shortly thereafter. Gestation is 28 to 30 days. Since they can only walk on land with great difficulty, they try to build their nest just a few inches above the water surface to facilitate getting on an off it. I don’t know when they started sitting on this latest nest, but it appears to be a good 8″ to 10″ above the water surface indicating the lake may have already fallen as much as 5″ or 6″ since being built. Therefore I’d guestimate they started sitting on the nest around the 1st of June, give or take a few days. With a lot of luck, we might see babies somewhere around the end of June. This however depends on the lake level staying relatively stable for the rest of this month. It is currently falling about 3/4″ per day, and it won’t take long to strand the nest at that rate.

The lake level is currently -38″ below the high water mark and falling. I challenge Mr. Kelley to shut the dam’s gate to maintain the current water level for the next month to give the nesting loons a chance to raise a family. Continue reading

CLA Spring/Summer 2017 Newsletter is in the mail!

[dropcap]I[/dropcap] will be dropping off 200+ copies of our 2017 Summer 2017 Newsletter at the Whitefield post office tomorrow morning. Expect a copy in your mailbox in a couple of days! Next weekend I’ll post it in our Newsletter Archive here on the site so you can download a copy and share it with your friends. We send the newsletter to all Clary Lake shore owners regardless of whether they’re a CLA member or not. We also send it to a number of Friends of Clary Lake. If you’d like to be added to our mailing list, please email me your contact information and I’ll add you.

Gone from this newsletter is the original “tear off the bottom half of the page” membership renewal form that we’ve been using for years; it has been replaced with a handy remittance envelope. Going with a remittance envelope has the added benefit of freeing up some valuable space. You can still download a copy of the old membership renewal form, print it out and mail it in if you lose your envelope or didn’t get one, or you can sign up online via Paypal. There is no shortage of ways to become a member!

Membership Matters

The other day I had the pleasure of adding a final Clary Lake shore owner to our current year membership rolls, bringing the total Membership for the 2016/2017 year to 118. It is unusual for people to be sending in dues this late for the current year. Given that our membership year runs from Annual meeting to Annual meeting and with only 4 months left in this membership year, I decided to contact the person to ask if they intended their dues to apply to this year, or the upcoming year? Their response was heartening: they apologized for being late in renewing and said the dues were for this year, and that they’d be paying their 2017/2018 dues shortly. And they did. Well alright. I like that. Because Membership Matters.

Before going any further, I wish to thank everyone who saw fit to join the Clary Lake Association this year. To give you an idea of how amazing it is to have 118 members, consider that last year we had 81 which was the most members, ever. That’s an increase of 45% in one year. Here are our membership numbers for the past 6 years. As you can see, there has been a steady increase from year to year: Continue reading

Spring Supper to Benefit Fergusson Family After Fire

Happy Spring, everyone!

For those of you who don’t already know, the ancestral Fergusson family home on Clary Lake caught fire last week. Luckily, nobody was hurt in the blaze, however, a large part of the home was destroyed in the fire and George’s son Colin Fergusson and his partner Sara Roy lost pretty much everything in the fire.

The Fergusson family has been living on Clary Lake for 95 years. George Fergusson is the current Secretary of the Association and plays an integral role in the Association’s management and ongoing success. His father Stuart Fergusson was one of the CLA’s founding members of the Clary Lake Association back in 1961. Colin and Sara are already making plans to rebuild and hope to be moved back into part of the house by next winter.

The Clary Lake Association Momentum Committee will be co-sponsoring a Spring Supper with (and at) the Sheepscot General Store on Townhouse Road to benefit the Fergusson Family on May 6th from 5-7PM. Admission to the supper is two-fold: $5 and a dish of some sort to share (either a side dish, a salad, a dessert, or a beverage), but don’t let the lack of a dish stop you from coming by.

Please feel free to pass this email along or advertise as you see fit.  The more, the merrier! If you have questions contact the Momentum Committee at All proceeds will go to the Fergusson Family home rebuilding fund.

All the best,

Erin Grimshaw, CLA Momentum Committee Chair

Love and Loss… and Mindfulness

DSC_3851 (Medium)First, I’d like to thank everyone who has reached out to me and my family since the unfortunate house fire at the Fergusson ancestral home where my son has been living on the south shore of Clary Lake. The fire occurred last Wednesday evening, most likely starting as a chimney fire. There has been an unending stream of people arriving at my front door ever since with gifts of money, food, clothes, and offers of all sorts of assistance from places to stay to labor for cleanup and rebuilding. My son Colin and his girlfriend Sara spent 4 days staying (free of charge) at Rick and Linda Gallion’s Clary Lake Bed & Breakfast which I can assure you was a whole lot nicer than the pullout couch in my wife’s reading room. Today they moved out of the B&B and into a house in Chelsea that a friend of theirs has had on the market for a while. They’re welcome to stay there until the place sells. They’ve taken 2 of their 3 cats with them, having decided to leave Mehitabelle with Margaret and me. We’re thrilled.

The plan right now is for the family to rebuild, but there’s a lot to be done between now and then and it’s really too soon to be talking about that. Clean up has only begun, and the task is daunting. I am grateful for having been able to use this Association forum to share our experience, strength, and hope, but Clary Lake needs saving, and it is time to move on and put this unfortunate event in the rear view mirror. To that end, I am going to close with an email my wife composed and sent to her long list of friends. She just has a way with words that I lack. Continue reading

26 February 2017: Fire On Ice Winter Festival A Great Success!


February 2017 Fire on Ice Festival. This is about as close as I came to getting a group photo. A few people had already left, a few were yet to arrive.

The Winter “Fire on Ice” Festival put on by the CLA Momentum Committee last Saturday was a great success. The weather was good, the companionship was even better and the S’mores were perfect. By this time of the winter it seems like everyone is suffering from cabin fever to some extent, and it was wonderful to be able to get outside and enjoy the day without having to be all bundled up against the cold. All told about 2 dozen adults and 10 kids showed up for the event. Most were existing Clary Lake Association members but there were some new faces in the crowd including Stephanie Chamberlain and her partner Steve Berry, who recently bought a house in Coopers Mills. Over the course of the afternoon I took a lot of photographs which I’ve added to the Winter 2017 Photo Gallery (duplicated below). Continue reading

24 February 2017: Prospects for Tomorrow’s Festival: MUD!

OK so it’s not THAT muddy yet but nonetheless Mud Season is here. The field was pretty soft this morning when I drove down to the lake to drop off some firewood. We don’t want anyone getting stuck or the field getting rutted up so people should plan to park on the road and walk the short distance to the lake. We’ll have a few sleds available if you have firewood or something else to haul in. In any case, rubber boots are called for. The weather forecast for tomorrow is mild temperatures in the 40’s with a chance of showers the late afternoon which doesn’t sound too bad at all! The lake is still solidly ice-covered.

I’ll update this posting if I think of anything else to add.

21 February 2017: Winter Festival Update

Road plowed across field in preparation for the February 2017 Winter Festival.

Just a quick reminder/update email about our upcoming “Winter Festival” event being put on by the CLA Momentum Committee this coming Saturday, February 25th, from 12pm-3pm on Clary Lake. “Winter Festival” might imply a bigger event than what is actually likely to happen: we’ll have a small fire burning and will provide the makings for S’mores. You are also welcome to bring your own beverages (no alcohol please) and food to eat. The event is rain or shine, so dress appropriately. Check the weather report so you’ll know what sort of conditions you’ll be facing. We’re not expecting a huge turn out but do hope some of you will be able to find the time to stop by and enjoy the afternoon, the fire, and the company.

The event will be held on the south side of the lake off Route 126. Parking will be available in the field belonging to the Fergusson family where people for years have parked and gone swimming which is located just west of the Whitefield/Jefferson town line, about 1.7 miles from the Whitefield Superette (here is a Google Location Map to help you find it). Today David Knight plowed out a road down to the lake (pictured above). The wind had already swept a good sized area clear of snow right on the lake so there’s parking available.

We had planned on making an ice-carousel but with 1′ to 2′ of snow on the lake, that plan didn’t get out of design phase. We’ll try that next year. We’ll put out some traffic cones and a sign out beside the road. Contact me if you have any questions.

Hope to see you Saturday!

Clary Lake Association Winter Festival Announcement

The CLA Momentum Committee is pleased to announce a Winter Festival event for this coming February 25th, a Saturday, from 12 PM to 3 PM. OK, so maybe “Winter Festival” is a bit grandiose for what we have planned, but that’s what we’re calling it. A notice went out to our membership by email last night announcing the event. Members of the CLA as well as friends, family, and community members alike are invited to join us for a bonfire on the lake. Many of us have been cooped up all winter and an afternoon outside in the fresh air is likely just what the doctor ordered. The event is free, and the only item we’ve put on the menu is S’mores! We will provide the materials for S’mores, you make them and eat them. You are also welcome to bring your own beverages (no alcohol please) and food to eat. The event is rain or shine, so dress appropriately. Check the weather report so you’ll know what conditions you’ll be facing. Continue reading