Bill McKeen really was a special person. Here he is remembered by the Maine Ulster Scots Project of which he was a part.
Category Archives: Association News

Merry Christmas from the Clary Lake Association
Warm Holiday Greetings to Members, Friends, and Neighbors from the Clary Lake Association!
As our holidays approach, we experience both an ending and a look to new beginnings; thoughts come to us as we take stock of how we might have measured up in our aspirations over the past year and what might be the focus in the new year. We remember loved ones and friends who have left us and we gather close to those who are with us. This time of year can be both a joyous and cherished celebration as well as an expectation-ridden and even somber journey into memories past.
So, whatever traditions each of you and your families take part in this holiday season, remember that above all, this is the season of light and love. May both visit you and yours in abundance now, and in the year to come. Remember to be grateful and kind.
On Behalf of the Clary Lake Association Board,
Margaret Fergusson

Thomas Warren Gillette October 10, 1931 – December 3, 2024
Tom liked among other things, fishing and drinking coffee. The above picture was taken at the State boat launch in early September 2022, Tom and his fishing buddy Chris Stoltz were just coming off the lake after a morning of stalking finned monsters up in the marsh, his favorite fishing haunt. I was conducting Courtesy Boat Inspections on Labor Day weekend, the last weekend of the CBI season. I’m pretty sure from the smile on his face that he was enjoying himself! Tom also liked coffee and he’d call me up on the spur of the moment and invite me over to his camp on the lake for a cup of his strong Louisiana coffee, or he’d show up at my house, unannounced, settle into a comfy chair, and enjoy a cup of my equally strong coffee. The picture at left is him doing just that, back in 2016. At times like these we’d have good and lengthy conversations on just about any subject but eventually we’d always end up talking about Clary Lake. Throughout those long hard years of the water level crisis and our seemingly endless battle for the survival of Clary Lake, at times the outlook was bleak. Tom was always there, always supportive, always upbeat and optimistic, and always full of ideas and inspiration. He helped me through a very difficult period of my life in more ways than I can mention. Over the years he has been a valuable steward of Clary Lake and a generous patron of the Clary Lake Association at a time when we needed all the help we could get. He will be remembered. He will be missed.
I had my last cup of coffee with Tom this past fall out on his deck just a week before he and his wife Delph packed up and left for Houston. I thanked him again for all his help over the years protecting and preserving Clary Lake. His response was a characteristically dismissive wave of his hand. His health had been failing, and I hoped, but doubted, that I would see him again. News of his passing was sad, but not unexpected. He was 93.
Here is Tom’s obituary, written by his son Baxter. The obituary should appear in the Houston Chronical this coming Tuesday and soon, in the Brunswick Times Record and the Lincoln County News. Continue reading

Happy Thanksgiving from the Clary Lake Association
Everyday should be and is an opportunity to give thanks. During these difficult and unprecedented times, we can easily lose our footing in gratitude and only focus on what we don’t have, what we can’t do, and sadly for some of us, what we have lost. And so, we must remain steadfast in our work of living in the moment, taking nothing for granted and performing little acts of kindness. No earthly power can prevent us from living in this way.
May all of us, near and far, take a moment and remember what is truly important and know that it is found within. Happy Thanksgiving… now and always. Be kind and stay safe!
Margaret Fergusson

The 2024 Annual Membership Meeting Happened!
We held the 2024 Annual Membership Meeting last Saturday, August 17th, at the home of Gareth & Beverly Bowen. With 36 members attending the meeting, attendance was perhaps a little lighter than expected but nonetheless way more than enough to meet the quorum requirement. I’ll post formal minutes when they’re ready. In the meantime, the main takeaways from the meeting were:
- We have a new Treasurer! Mary Gingrow-Shaw, first elected treasurer back in 2015, announced at last year’s Annual meeting that her 5th term as Treasurer to which she had just been elected would be her final term. We were able to find a replacement in Donald Hogg. Don brings extensive financial savvy to the table. He and his wife Maggie Muth (a Board member, by the way) live in Portland and have owned a camp over on Maplewood Road since 2019. Don was elected Treasurer by a unanimous vote. Mary was given a certificate of appreciation and a lovely Weigela bush as a parting gift. We’re grateful for her many years of service to the Association. Mary will continue to handle the Annual Loon Count.
- Malcolm Burson stepped down from his second and final term on the Board to make room for a new Director, Hillary Relyea. Hillary’s family owns property on the south side of Clary Lake in Jefferson. Hillary is a school teacher and the daughter of Association Vice President Steven Relyea and lives with her husband Ben Gerdts, also a school teacher, and two young children. We’re all excited about this young and energetic addition to our Board. Malcolm first served as Vice President from 2011 to 2014, then as President from 2015 through 2018, and as a Director from 2019 through 2024. We’re not done with Malcolm yet. He will continue in his role as Chair of the Watershed Survey Steering Committee and of the LakeSmart program.
- On a recommendation from the Fundraising Committee, a motion was made to the Membership to raise our Membership dues from $25 to $30 per member to take effect next year. There was little discussion of the motion except to express surprise that we hadn’t raised our dues a long time ago. The motion passed unanimously. We last raised our dues fifteen years ago, in 2009. Those 2009 Dues thanks to inflation are now worth somewhere around $16, or to look at it another way, we’d have had to raise our dues to $39 or more to stay even with 2009 dollars. Sigh.
- The Main Program on the recently completed 2024 Watershed Survey (presented by Malcolm Burson, see picture above) and the committee reports presented by Charlene Andersen (Fundraising), Steve Cowles (Dam Operations), Margaret Fergusson (Events) and George Fergusson (Courtesy Boat Inspections and Water Quality Monitoring) were all very interesting and informative.
- This year for the first time we offered Zoom access to the meeting so people who couldn’t attend in person would be able to attend virtually. We had 6 people online for the meeting including myself and my wife Margaret (both with COVID), Ben Gerdts and his wife Hillary Relyea, Steve Relyea, and Leslie Gillette. Technically it went better than I had expected! We’ll be doing this again.

Coffee Klatch on Clary Lake: August 24th
Many thanks to June Lordi and Steve Cowles for taking charge of this year’s Coffee Klatch! Here’s June’s pitch for the event:
Hey Clary Lakers: to wrap up the summer, we’re resurrecting the Coffee Klatch out on the Lake which first happened back in 2019. A number of water craft tied up near the middle of the lake and shared coffee, donuts, and laughter. You are invited to meet again this Saturday August 24th at 10:00AM. See you there!!
The rain date is the next day, Sunday the 25th. Where exactly on Clary Lake the flotilla will form will depend in part on the prevailing winds. Wherever the wind is coming from, that’s the shoreline you’ll find us closest to. If there isn’t much wind, look for us near the middle of the lake. Steve & company will be in his pontoon boat serving up coffee and donuts. We shouldn’t be too hard to find!

Upcoming Event: Our Ice Cream Social and Marsh Paddle
Our Annual Summer Ice Cream Social is scheduled for Saturday July 20th at the Clary Lake dam. It will be preceded by a BYOK Marsh Paddle (Bring Your Own Kayak) which will take place in the morning. Needless to say, a canoe is fine too! The Ice Cream Social will follow, at its usual time of 1PM. People who wish to participate in the Marsh Paddle should arrive at the dam by 10AM and bring appropriate clothing, water, and perhaps a light snack. The plan is to leave the dam around 10:30AM and paddle out to the lake (about 1.6 miles one way), explore the floating bog a bit, and then return to the dam around 1PM, just in time for ice cream. The ice cream is free but donations are gratefully accepted!
We’d like to have an idea of how many people are planning to paddle so if you’re looking to participate, please let us know by emailing the
(The photo at the top of this post shows a large portion of the great marsh from the air looking roughly southwest. The dam is near the upper right corner, Clary Lake is about a quarter mile off to the left and the Sennett Road is just off the right side. Photo by George Fergusson taken during a flight with pilot and lakeshore owner Terry Crummett, on July 10, 2022).

Clary Lake 4th of July Boat Parade!!
The 5th Annual 4th of July Clary Lake Boat Parade is on! It starts at the State boat launch at 2PM. This event is not a Clary Lake Association event, it’s a Clary Lake event and we support it. Everyone is welcome. It’s organized by Jason and Shanna Pease (pictured above in 2020). Word has it the extraordinary fireworks display is also on, scheduled for 9 PM. Have a happy, safe, and fun 4th!
Clary Lake
4th of July Boat Parade!!
5th Annual Boat Parade
4 th of July 2024
Where: Clary Lake
Time: 2 pm
Details: Decorate your boat
and meet down by the public
landing for a cruise of the
lake! Don’t forget to decorate
your dock!!! Rain or Shine!!
For more information call Shanna Pease at 485-4171.

Upcoming Clary Lake Association Summer Events!
Our usual Clary Lake Association Summer events have been scheduled, a little later perhaps than we’d have liked but hopefully still in time for you to fit them into your busy summer schedules! We only have a few “standing” summer events. Summer is busy enough without us adding to it! We’ll post notices here, and send around an email or postcard prior to each event as a reminder. You’ll also find these events and more on our Event Calendar.
Whitefield 4th of July Parade: July 4th
The Whitefield 4th of July Parade which coincidentally takes place on July 4th in Kings Mills, South Whitefield. Dave Knight will be once again towing his boat in the parade, decorated with flags, CLA banners, and his granddaughter Kastle. There’ll be room on the boat for more kids! Come down and enjoy the show and buy some food to support the Whitefield Volunteer Fire Department! I also assume the Clary Lake 4th of July Boat Parade will be happening later that same day. It usually starts at 2PM at the east end of the lake by the State Boat Launch. The boat parade is organized by Shanna Pease. The boat parade is not a Clary Lake Association event, we just like to publicize it, and of course, to participate in it!
Ice Cream Social: July 20th
Our Ice Cream Social is back this year, scheduled for Saturday July 20th at the Clary Lake dam. It will be preceded by a BYOK Marsh Paddle (Bring Your Own Kayak) which will take place in the morning. The Ice Cream Social will follow, at its usual time of 1PM. People who wish to participate in the Marsh Paddle should arrive at the dam by 10AM and bring appropriate clothing, water, and perhaps a light snack. The plan is to leave the dam around 10:30AM and paddle out to the lake, explore the floating bog and then return to the dam 1PM, just in time for ice cream. The ice cream is free but donations are gratefully accepted.
We’d like to have an idea of how many people are planning to paddle so if you’re planning to participate, please let us know by emailing the
CLA Annual Meeting: August 17th
The Clary Lake Association Annual Meeting is going to be August 17th at 2PM at the home of Gareth & Beverley Bowen at 739 Gardiner Road in Jefferson. All are welcome. Please check out the meeting announcement for more details. The Picture above is of our 2017 Annual Meeting coincidentally held at what it now the Bowen residence.
Coffee Klatch on Clary Lake: August 24th
Finally, to wrap up the summer, we’re resurrecting the Coffee Klatch out on Clary Lake which first happened back in 2019. A number of water craft tied up out on the lake and shared coffee, donuts, and laughter for a while. It was a lot of fun and it was going to become an annual event, and then COVID happened. Details of this event are still unclear. We’ll post an update when plans have coalesced. Exactly where on Clary Lake the boats should rendezvous will depend on the wind: if it’s windy we’ll be looking to nestle into a lee shore where there’ll be calmer water.. We’ll provide the coffee and donuts. You provide the laughter.
If you’d like to help out with any of these events, send an email to

Summer 2024 Newsletter Is Out
The Summer 2024 Clary Lake Association Newsletter went in the mail a few days ago and it is now now available for download from our Newsletters page. Feel free to grab a copy and share it with your family and friends! Dues envelopes were included in the mailing, and I expect dues to start arriving soon. I’ll be updating the “Next Year’s 2024/2025 Membership List” as money arrives. This year we met our Membership goal of 175 Members. Our Membership goal for the coming year includes a modest increase. You can help us reach (or even exceed!) our goal by becoming a member today! Visit our Benefits of Membership page for more information about why you should join the Association, and how to do it. Incidentally, the sunset photograph above was taken by Danny Bell and was used as the banner image in this year’s newsletter. Continue reading

Upcoming Spring Maine Lakes Webinars
Maine Lakes is putting on a number of webinars this spring on topics of potential interest to friends of Clary Lake. The two that grabbed my attention (highlighted below) are one on PFAS in Maine Lakes and Rivers, and one on Maine’s Newest Aquatic Threats. You’ll find more of interest including a notice for the Water and Sustainability Conference on March 29th on the Maine Lakes website:
PFAS in Maine Lakes and Rivers
Tom Danielson, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Thursday, April 11 at 5 p.m. Register HERE.
You have probably read about PFAS in the news lately as it relates to contaminated farmland. Tom Danielson of the Maine Department of Environmental Protection will present information about per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), also known as “forever chemicals”, in Maine’s lakes and rivers.
Maine’s Newest Aquatic Threats
Brett Willard and Christine Guerrette, Lake Stewards of Maine
Thursday, April 18 at 5 p.m. Register HERE.
In early 2023, four new plants were added to Maine’s watch list for potentially invasive aquatic plants. Since their addition, three new infestations of one of these new invaders have been discovered in Maine lakes, with likely more to come. In this webinar the Aquatic Invasive Species team at Lake Stewards of Maine will discuss how to identify these four plants and their native lookalikes, how LSM is engaging with lake communities with active infestations, and how volunteers can become involved in battling aquatic invaders across Maine.
Ice Out Video Camera 3
This video was made from 164 webcam images stitched together at a frame rate of 4 images per second.

2024 Clary Lake Ice Out Contest!
This is our fifth year running a Clary Lake Ice-Out contest. This year’s prize for first place is the same as last year’s prize, a $25 Gift Certificate to The Jefferson Scoop. Yay Ice Cream! If you guess the correct ice-out date or come closest without going past it, you’re the winner. It’s quite likely that the ice will go out before the Scoop actually opens for business. As soon as the Scoop opens, we’ll pick up the certificate and get it to you.
In the event there are two (or more) people who guessed the same winning date, the person guessing first (based on the recorded timestamp) will be the winner and the other less-lucky (but still lucky!) person (or persons!) will win a laminated 8.5″ x 11″ Clary Lake Depth Map as a runner up prize (see below). FYI, the earliest the lake has been deemed completely free of ice was on March 13, 2016; the latest the ice has gone out was on April 24, 2001. Last year’s “official” ice out date was March 29th which was correctly guessed by Vicki Grimaldi. She won a beautiful 12″ H x 15″ W framed loon photograph taken by David Hodsdon. We also awarded some second places prizes to a couple of other people. Visit our Ice In and Ice Out page to see all our historical data back to 2001. Reviewing historical ice-in and ice-out data is NOT CHEATING! We’ll be closing the contest to new guesses late on March 15th or sooner if it looks like ice out is actually imminent. Guess as often as you want, but remember: only your last guess counts!
Here’s the entry form. A few hints: 1) Use the little little calendar icon thingy and select your date guess by clicking on the calendar, this helps prevent botched dates and 2) I’ll plan to update the list of people’s guestimates at the bottom of this message several times a day 🙂
2024 Ice Out Contest Guestimates
Timestamp | Your name: | Ice Out Guess: |
2/24/2024 9:15:24 | Lynda Despard | 3/15/2024 |
2/24/2024 9:25:03 | Margaret Fergusson | 4/1/2024 |
2/24/2024 9:39:15 | Karen Stutzer | 3/28/2024 |
2/24/2024 10:41:34 | Beverley Bowen | 3/21/2024 |
2/24/2024 11:04:58 | Arlene Wing | 3/15/2024 |
2/24/2024 11:49:46 | Bill Hall | 3/24/2024 |
2/24/2024 12:01:01 | Rich & Megan Luisi | 3/30/2024 |
2/24/2024 12:03:27 | Ronnie Spann | 4/1/2024 |
2/24/2024 13:09:15 | George Fergusson | 3/12/2024 |
2/24/2024 13:14:12 | Julie Anderson | 3/31/2024 |
2/24/2024 13:21:43 | Gayle Knight | 3/10/2024 |
2/24/2024 13:39:36 | Dedi Rapp | 3/25/2024 |
2/24/2024 15:07:59 | Wynne G Keller | 3/27/2024 |
2/24/2024 16:23:51 | Kate Seba | 3/25/2024 |
2/24/2024 18:49:19 | Ellis Percy | 3/26/2024 |
2/24/2024 18:52:17 | JoAnn Tribby | 3/22/2024 |
2/24/2024 21:47:47 | Stephen Viti | 3/23/2024 |
2/24/2024 22:53:57 | Brian Vogel | 3/29/2024 |
2/25/2024 8:31:50 | Donna Roeckel | 3/20/2024 |
2/25/2024 16:10:22 | Carolyn Curtis | 3/17/2024 |
2/25/2024 16:30:40 | Margaret Fergusson | 3/17/0024 |
2/25/2024 18:02:22 | Cindy Norman | 3/17/2024 |
2/25/2024 18:02:23 | Ben Giguere | 3/14/2024 |
2/25/2024 18:32:21 | Cheryl Smith | 3/26/2024 |
2/25/2024 20:45:54 | Erin Trundy | 3/19/2024 |
2/26/2024 7:50:41 | Don Hogg | 3/21/2024 |
2/26/2024 9:54:55 | Steve Relyea | 3/13/2024 |
2/26/2024 16:32:03 | Tristan Taber | 3/11/2024 |
2/27/2024 16:48:58 | Vicky Grimsldi | 3/18/2024 |
2/27/2024 18:14:54 | Thomas Gillette | 3/23/2024 |

CLA Hors D’oeuvre Party Announcement!
It’s never too early to beat the doldrums, or plan to beat the doldrums!! We’re looking to do just that this coming February when we expect the Winter Doldrums to be at their peak! We’d like to gather as many Members as we can to join in celebrating being together, and to break up the monotony and cold of the long winter with some warm cheer and friendly conversation. To that end we’re planning a party on February 24, 2024 at 7 PM at the home of our President, Gareth Bowen and his lovely First Lady Beverley! Their house is down at the end of the long driveway at 739 Gardiner Road in Jefferson in the field overlooking the lake (MAP). Various events have been held there over the years including our first Doldrums party back in February 2020, just before the COVID pandemic started. It was a great party and we’ve wanted to do a repeat of it ever since, and this is the first year when it seems feasible. We hope you can make it!
Mark your calendars!! This party is going happen regardless of the weather, but if there’s a major winter storm underway making travel unsafe or impossible, we’ll put the party off to the following weekend, same time, same place.
Please bring an hors d’oeuvre or light fare dish to add to what is sure to be a smorgasbord of little party delights, and whatever beverage you care to consume. Hope to see you there!

Merry Christmas from the Clary Lake Association
Greetings Members and Friends of Clary Lake, from the Clary Lake Association Board! Here’s wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a very happy and healthy New Year… and more inclusively, Happy Holidays, or whatever and however you choose to celebrate this time of year.

Happy Thanksgiving from the Clary Lake Association
This is a repost of a message written by my wife Margaret, 3 years ago on Thanksgiving. At the time we were in the middle of a pandemic and it seems like life had simply been put on hold, and there was little to be thankful for. The pandemic is over thank goodness, but for many of us, times are still challenging, life is still challenging. I thought Margaret’s message was as good today as it was three years ago.
Everyday should be and is an opportunity to give thanks. During these challenging times, we can easily lose our footing in gratitude and only focus on what we don’t have, what we can’t do, and sadly for some of us, what we have lost. And so, we must remain steadfast in our work of living in the moment, taking nothing for granted and performing little acts of kindness. No earthly power can prevent us from living in this way.
May all of us, near and far, take a moment and remember what is truly important and know that it is found within. Happy Thanksgiving… now and always. Be kind and stay safe!
Margaret Fergusson
Happy Sunrise

Purple Loosestrife Eradication Project Update
There are a lot of things we don’t want growing in and around Clary Lake, and Purple Loosestrife is on that list. So far we’ve managed to keep on top of it but a small patch in a blueberry field adjacent to Clary Lake managed to get established and is going to take some effort to get rid of. Early last week Malcolm burson (pictured at left) attempted to dig them up by the roots but that proved way to difficult. Alan Clark stepped in and cut the plants down and bagged them up and tossed them onto my burn pile. This will at least keep them from going to seed and making the infestation worse. Next year we’ll round up a team of young vigorous helpers, arm them with shovels and spading forks, and dig them out of the ground properly.
Here are a few more pictures:

The 2023 CLA Annual Meeting Happened!
The Clary Lake Association’s 2023 Annual Meeting went off without a hitch yesterday afternoon at the Clary Lake dam. The weather was perfect and attendance was normal with close to 40 people showing up. Elections were held: Gareth Bowen is our new President, Steve Relyea is starting his second term as Vice President, George Fergusson is starting his 6th two-year term as Secretary, and Mary Gingrow-Shaw is starting her 5th (and final) two-year term as Treasurer. Outgoing President Dave Knight and Kathryn Ference are both starting their 1st terms on the Board. Mary did an excellent job (as usual!) presenting the 2022/2023 financial report (our fiscal year ends on July 31st). Continue reading

2023 Annual Meeting Reminder!
The 2023 Clary Lake Association Annual Meeting is being held this coming Saturday, September 2nd at 2:00 PM at the Clary Lake dam. That’s less than 1 week away! As in past years, we will setup some awning tents to provide shade and seating will be provided as well but as usual, it never hurts to bring a folding chair or two if you have them. At this time while it’s still a ways off, the weather forecast for next weekend is looking good. That said, the rain date will be the next day, Sunday September 3rd, same time, same place. We will have our traditional potluck supper after the Meeting so bring your favorite salad, entree, casserole, side dish, or what have you and of course, bring an appetite! Since previous pot luck suppers have been heavy on the salads, this year (like last year) we’re going to set up a grill and turn out some hot dogs, hamburgers, and veggie burgers too. Continue reading