About the Association

loon2The Clary Lake Association
PO Box 127, Whitefield Maine 04353

The Clary Lake Association is a 501 c(3) non-profit corporation dedicated to preserving, protecting, and enhancing the natural beauty, and quality of Clary Lake and its watershed. These objectives are accomplished through a variety of activities which include education programs, water quality monitoring, and pollution abatement. We are a member of The Maine Lakes Society, the Maine Volunteer Lake Monitor Program, and more recently, the Midcoast Conservancy. The Association was formed in July, 1960 and has been active ever since.

Now that we own the Clary Lake dam, the Association is entering a new and exciting phase of its existence. In particular, funding the necessary repairs and providing for ongoing maintenance of the dam will require a larger budget than in the past. It is our sincere hope that our owning the dam will be a unifying influence on all Clary Lake shore owners and that we can all join together and face this challenge together. These are exciting times. Get involved! Join the Clary Lake Association today!

Membership in the Association is open to all. You do not have to be a lake shore owner. Our annual meeting is held in July or August, at the discretion of the president and our membership-year runs from annual meeting to annual meeting- which sounds confusing but makes sense when you think about it. Prospective members should check out our Association By-Laws for more information about the benefits and responsibilities of membership.

Dues are currently $25 per year and are fully tax-deductible. To become a member or to renew your membership, simply print out this Membership Subscription Form, fill it out, and send it in with your check. Membership renewal forms along with a summer newsletter are mailed to all current members prior to the Annual meeting.

The current slate of Association officers are:

Board of Directors:

According to our recently revised bylaws, all officers of the Corporation are also Board members.