CLA Annual Meeting

talking-heads-customBack in late 2018 we purchased the Clary Lake dam and for the last 5 years we’ve held our Annual Meeting there. This year the Clary Lake Association will hold it’s 2024 Annual Membership Meeting on Saturday August 17, 2024 at 2:00 PM at the home of Gareth & Beverly Bowen at 739 Gardiner Road in Jefferson.  We will setup some awning tents for shade and will provide chairs. We’ll hold the meeting rain or shine: In the event of rain we’ll simply move the meeting indoors. We will have our traditional potluck supper after the Meeting so bring your favorite salad, casserole, side dish, or what have you and of course, bring an appetite!

This year we’re going to try Zoom access to the meeting for those of you who can’t make it to the meeting in person. Details on how to register will be posted soon.

Remember, you need to be a paid up member to vote at the meeting. If you want to signup or renew your membership online, you can do so with PayPal or a credit card on our Signup or Renew Your Membership On Line page. A registration table will be set up by 1:00 PM for those of you who like to renew your memberships at the Annual Meeting. Please arrive early so you can complete your business before the start of the meeting!

Please keep an eye on the website for news and updates about the meeting!

If you need directions to the the Bowen’s home, use this handy form! Simply enter a zip code, road name, or complete address for directions: