Upcoming Clary Lake Association Summer Events!

Our usual Clary Lake Association Summer events have been scheduled, a little later perhaps than we’d have liked but hopefully still in time for you to fit them into your busy summer schedules! We only have a few “standing” summer events. Summer is busy enough without us adding to it! We’ll post notices here, and send around an email or postcard prior to each event as a reminder. You’ll also find these events and more on our Event Calendar.

Whitefield 4th of July Parade: July 4th

The Whitefield 4th of July Parade which coincidentally takes place on July 4th in Kings Mills, South Whitefield. Dave Knight will be once again towing his boat in the parade, decorated with flags, CLA banners, and his granddaughter Kastle. There’ll be room on the boat for more kids! Come down and enjoy the show and buy some food to support the Whitefield Volunteer Fire Department! I also assume the Clary Lake 4th of July Boat Parade will be happening later that same day. It usually starts at 2PM at the east end of the lake by the State Boat Launch. The boat parade is organized by Shanna Pease. The boat parade is not a Clary Lake Association event, we just like to publicize it, and of course, to participate in it!

Ice Cream Social: July 20th

Our Ice Cream Social is back this year, scheduled for Saturday July 20th at the Clary Lake dam. It will be preceded by a BYOK Marsh Paddle (Bring Your Own Kayak) which will take place in the morning. The Ice Cream Social will follow, at its usual time of 1PM. People who wish to participate in the Marsh Paddle should arrive at the dam by 10AM and bring appropriate clothing, water, and perhaps a light snack. The  plan is to leave the dam around 10:30AM and paddle out to the lake, explore the floating bog and then return to the dam 1PM, just in time for ice cream. The ice cream is free but donations are gratefully accepted.

We’d like to have an idea of how many people are planning to paddle so if you’re planning to participate, please let us know by emailing the secretary@clarylake.org.

CLA Annual Meeting: August 17th

The Clary Lake Association Annual Meeting is going to be August 17th at 2PM at the home of Gareth & Beverley Bowen at 739 Gardiner Road in Jefferson. All are welcome. Please check out the meeting announcement for more details. The Picture above is of our 2017 Annual Meeting coincidentally held at what it now the Bowen residence.

Coffee Klatch on Clary Lake: August 24th

Finally, to wrap up the summer,  we’re resurrecting the Coffee Klatch out on Clary Lake which first happened back in 2019. A number of water craft tied up out on the lake and shared coffee, donuts, and laughter for a while. It was a lot of fun and it was going to become an annual event, and then COVID happened. Details of this event are still unclear. We’ll post an update when plans have coalesced. Exactly where on Clary Lake the boats should rendezvous will depend on the wind: if it’s windy we’ll be looking to nestle into a lee shore where there’ll be calmer water..  We’ll provide the coffee and donuts. You provide the laughter.

If you’d like to help out with any of these events, send an email to events@clarylake.org