Clary Moods

20240608_190203I always marvel at how the character of Clary Lake will change over time. The lake has moods, almost like people do. The moods are reflected in the lighting, the clouds, the wind, the water. Sometimes it’s sad. Sometimes it’s angry, or laughing, or thoughtful. Or mysterious. Margaret and I were sitting on my dock the other evening, watching a storm pass by to the north. We could see rain off in the distance. This storm had just passed over Augusta and was harassing Three Mile Pond in China with wind, rain, and lightning. I always love the way the late afternoon sunlight slips in under an ominous, cloud-filled sky to illuminate the far shore…



6 thoughts on “Clary Moods

  1. Randall Bishop Wing

    Awesome pictures and prose. I have so many wonderful memories of my time on Clary Lake.

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