Clary Lake Association Members. Google Earth photograph with Jefferson and Whitefield Parcels highlighted in red to show where the Current Year CLA Members are located. As you can see, we’re well represented by Jefferson property owners, somewhat less so by Whitefield property owners. Prepared by George Fergusson 02 October 2016
Well, as it turns out, mostly in Jefferson! Or at least that’s how it looks on the Google Earth photograph at left which shows parcels owned by CLA members colored RED. In actual fact, owners of approximately 55% of the lake shore properties in Whitefield are members of the CLA while in Jefferson the figure it more like 65% which is not a really significant difference. It just looks significant because the majority of shore front property in Jefferson belongs to CLA members whereas there are a lot of large acreage properties with large amounts of shore front located in Whitefield whose owners are not members of the Association. Just a few of those Whitefield residents joining the Association would change the look of the map considerably. There are also a few members who live outside of the Clary Lake watershed who aren’t represented on this map.
Thomas Gillette actually gave me the idea for a map something like this at our last Annual Meeting though I think he envisioned a more interactive, click-and-see-who’s-who type of map. This will have to do until I get inspired to build something different. I love maps.
The tax parcel maps came from the Maine Office of GIS and are a little out of date, not having been updated to show recent property splits. Also, being tax maps, they’re not all that accurate to begin with so don’t get too excited if you spot your house sitting on someone else’s lot. They’re really only intended to make sure the towns are taxing everything to someone. Taxing everything to the right party is secondary.
Any way you want to look at it, with 113 Current Members in the Clary Lake Association, membership is at an all time high. Our original goal of 100 members for the 2016/2017 year is a long ways behind us.
There are 4.20 miles± (22,200’±) of shore front property in Whitefield that is owned by people who are not members of the Association. That’s a lot of shore front property. For comparison, in Jefferson, there are only 0.6 miles± of shore front property (3100’±) that belongs to people who are not members. This doesn’t include the Boat Launch property belonging to the State of Maine.